Bluemont, Virginia 21035

By-Laws of the Bluemont Citizens Association

1.     The name of the organization shall be Bluemont Citizens Association.  Its purpose shall be the betterment of the Bluemont community, namely the protection, celebration, and preservation of our rural heritage and character.  It shall be a non-profit.

2.     These By-Laws replace in their entirety the former By-Laws adopted on May 7, 1986.

3.     Membership: The Association shall have no formal dues, but membership must be evidenced by written registration at regular meetings.  Applicants for membership must meet the following requirements: to be a voting member, one must be at least 18 years of age; a resident of Bluemont, as evidenced by zip code 20135, the telephone prefix 554- , or within the boundaries defined in Appendix A; or a former Officer or Trustee of the Association; or a designated representative of an organization recognized by the Association as having a legitimate and sincere interest in the betterment of Bluemont, with only one representative per such organization.  In addition, the Voting Member must have attended at least 3 of the last 12 meetings.  To hold office, a voting member must have attended 4 of the last 12 meetings.  An Associate Member is a nonresident who has expressed a sincere interest in working with the Association.  He or she is eligible for participation in all meetings and other functions, but may not vote.

4.     The officers shall include a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and not fewer than two trustees.  The election of officers shall be held each year at the January meeting.  Three trustees will be appointed to serve three-year terms.

DUTIES: (a) The President will preside at all meetings of the membership.  The President shall, with the advice and consent of the membership, determine all committees; select all chairs; assist in selection of committee personnel.  The President will represent the Association as its spokesperson or designate a representative.  The President will have authority, with the assent of the membership, to enter into contractual agreements on behalf of the Association.

(b)  The Vice President shall exercise the power and authority and perform the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President.  The Vice President shall also perform such duties as assigned by the President.

(c)   The Treasurer shall be responsible for the safeguarding of all funds received by the Association, and for their proper disbursement.  Such funds will be kept on deposit in financial institutions approved by the Association, subject to checks signed by the Treasurer and/or President.  Disbursements of $5,000.00 or greater will require majority approval from all Officers. The Treasurer shall provide a monthly financial report to the membership, consisting of expenditures, income, and balances.

(d)   The Secretary shall be responsible for recording the minutes of all meetings of the Association.  The Secretary shall read the minutes of the preceding meeting at each regularly scheduled meeting.  The Secretary shall maintain a record of all Association correspondence.  The Secretary shall be the membership registrar.

(e)   The Trustees are to be nominated by the President and approved by the voting members.  Trustees, like Officers, shall be required to attend 4 of the last 12 meetings. The Trustees shall be responsible for overseeing that the activities of all the Officers are conducted ethically and in the best interests of the Association.  Actions by Officers deemed detrimental to this purpose shall be brought to the attention of the membership by the Trustees at a regular monthly meeting.

REMOVAL FROM OFFICE: (a) The terms of the Officers and Trustees should only be broken if (a) notice is provided that any issue leading to the potential removal will be raised at the next meeting, (b) the Officer or Trustee is afforded an opportunity to discuss any issue raised, and (c) there is a majority vote by present members to remove the Officer or Trustee.

5.     Regular meetings shall be held once a month.  Special meetings may be called by the President, or in the event of the President’s inability to serve, by the Vice President.  The entire membership must be notified of the intention to call a special meeting, providing 24-hour notice.

6.     For a motion at a meeting to be approved, there must be a quorum of at least seven voting members in attendance.  The Secretary shall note the attendance at each meeting, and report it at the following meeting.

7.     The President shall be the representative of the Association on whom legal papers should be served.

8.     Dissolution procedures:  The Association shall use its funds only to accomplish the objectives and purposes specified in these By-Laws, and no part of said funds shall be distributed to members of the Association.  On dissolution of the Association, any funds remaining shall be distributed to one or more regularly organized and qualified charitable, educational, scientific, or philanthropic organizations to be selected by the membership.

9.     Parliamentary Authority:  The current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the final source of authority in all questions of parliamentary procedure when rules are not consistent with the By-Laws of the Association.

10. Amendments of the By-Laws shall be by this procedure: the proposed amendment shall be announced at one regular meeting, and the vote upon it shall be taken at the next regular meeting.  In the interval, the entire membership must be notified by email to inform them of the nature of the proposed amendments.

APPENDIX A:  Those who live outside of the 20135 zip code will be eligible for membership if their residence has a 20141 zip code and is located on Calumet Lane, Yellow Schoolhouse Road,  Ebenezer Church Road, or on any roadway which is accessed solely via one of those roads.

These By-Laws were adopted on April 4, 2018.

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