Meeting Minutes for Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Bluemont Citizens Association
Meeting Minutes for Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Meeting Minutes PDF

Bluemont Citizens Association Meeting Minutes April 5, 2023

E.E. Lake Store – Second Floor


In Attendance: (8) Peter Weeks, John Sullivan, Dave Ewald, Cynthia Morris, Judy Anderson, Kevin Hart, Bill Bogard, Michele Condon

Meeting called to order: 7:05 PM, Peter Weeks – presiding


President’s Remarks:

We had a new record of attendees through the exhibition last year! There were 630 people that came through last year. The fair had a large factor in the increased attendance. Arbor Day will be a little bit different this year! April 28th at 5:00 we will be handing out trees. This year they will be a little bit bigger and will come in a pot. We have 80 trees from PA to hand out! We have two new pink dogwoods in front of the tractors! We are going to be refurbishing the community sign by replacing the strips and cleaning it off.

Treasurer’s Report:

This month we paid for our new Appalachian Trail Membership in the amount of $500.00. The Arbor Day materials were paid for. We will also be purchasing our own projector to use at the fair and a multitude of other uses. Cost for the projector will be $500- $800. We will be moving the bulk of our money market account into a CD to earn more interest. Details on the amount to put in and the length of time are being worked out. Deposits on chairs, tables and tents for the fair were made.

Standing Committees:

• Bluemont Fair 

Fair Art is due on April 21. Next Fair Meeting is April 26th at the BCC. All 49 positions on the Fair Committee have been filled. May 3rd is the 100th anniversary of the Community Center. Cynthia, helping Sherry with the celebration, has suggested we have cake at the BCC early in the afternoon to celebrate with the alumni and then carry the celebration over to the BCA meeting that evening at Dirt Farm. John suggested making it a bigger deal at Dirt Farm since we are having a special speaker attend the BCA to discuss the historical buildings in Bluemont.

• Bluemont Heritage 

Grand Opening of the Quilting Exhibit to happen in conjunction with the start of the Farmers Market. Exhibit will be set up the weekend before the Farmers Market opens. We received an estimate from Solstice to repair the cabin. Bill and John are reviewing the list and will come up with the final repairs/costs. Lauren will be keeping track of all of the expenses of the Association such as scholarships, Christmas fund etc.

Community Organizations/Events:

• Community Center/Parks & Recs 

The 2023 Shamrock 5K/10K was a great success with 325 runners. Thank you to the local businesses, BCA, and to Great Country Farmers for hosting and to Dirt Farm for hosting the after party.

• Snickersville Turnpike Association

A double sided sign has been signed off on to commemorate the historic designation of Snickersville Turnpike on the National Historic Places Register. It will be placed on Plaster’s property just inside the stone wall. A non-profit has subsidized the majority of the cost. The sign is on order and we should be receiving it in a few weeks.

Old Business:

  • Farmers Market  – Opening May 7th.
  • Spring Fling  – Short hill Band will be performing and Blue Water from Upperville will provide food. Bring your own dessert. Location is going to be Hogans Field.

New Business:

  • The Bugle is going to have a new look! Comes out in a couple weeks.  Consulting with Mary Marks to help edit.
  • The new Appalachian Trail Committee is working on increasing the numbers. Currently has 5 members. Big ceremonial event on June 4th 12:30-2:30 at Bears Den. Some officials will be attending as speakers.
  • We now control the BluemontVA domain name. Still working on retrieving the content. BluemontVA points to BluemontHeritage.


Adjournment: 8:00 PM

Next Meeting: Wednesday, May 3, 2023 @ 7:00 PM


Notes by: Michelle Condon

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