Meeting Minutes for Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Bluemont Citizens Association
Meeting Minutes for Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Meeting Minutes PDF

Bluemont Citizens Association Meeting Minutes August 3, 2022

Bluemont Vineyard


In Attendance: (20)

Peter Weeks, John Sullivan, John Constant, Dave Ewald, Cynthia Morris, Gail Kelly, Linda Brown, Tom and Marilyn Rust, Bill and Barbara Bogard, Kate Zurschmeide, Lindsay Hollman, Peter Durand, Karen Denale, Nikki and Todd Englund, Camille and Shannon McCullar, Lisa Seeberger

Meeting called to order: 7:20 PM, Peter Weeks – presiding


President’s Remarks:

The meeting tonight will predominantly be a presentation on traffic calming in Bluemont.

The BCA and the Zurschmeide family came together to determine how best to honor Bob Zurschmeide. It was decided that the BCA will make an annual donation to the Peck of Dirt Foundation, an organization inspired by Bob. Peck of Dirt educates, encourages and exposes young people to the world of farming. The family felt this would be a special gift in memory of Bob and we are pleased to be able to make this contribution in his honor.

Treasurer’s Report:

Across our three accounts (money market, fair and general operating) we are ~ $23K ahead compared to last year. Our investment account is also down less this month than it was last month. We may want to start looking at other things to put our money towards.  We did award $6.5K in scholarships, of which ~$3.5K has been dispersed (this is around $1K less than last year). We are still working on liability insurance for the fair, which will be $1K+ more this year. Prices for the fair have gone up across the board.

Standing Committees:

• Bluemont Fair

The Bluemont Bugle summer newsletter will focus on the fair and its theme, Bluemont’s Draft Horse Farming Era. Nolan Barzee, of Mr. Print, will be bringing his two draft horses and a covered wagon to the fair (they will be in the field next to the church). He will not be doing rides this year. We are looking for horse drawn implements to display in the field with the horses. We also need a new committee chair for placing the large, heavy signs on Snickersville Tnpk. before and after the fair – we need a young resident willing to take on this responsibility. The position only requires two afternoons and provides a spot on the fair committee, with a free t-shirt and invitation to the fair committee dinner.

• Bluemont Heritage 

The 3rd Annual Bluemont Heritage Day will be held on October 16 at Snickersville Academy. This will be a potluck affair and music will be provided by the Short Hill Mountain Boys.

Old Business:

  • Traffic Calming Measures – VDOT completed a traffic study in the village over the past Memorial Day weekend. Speed collection devices were installed and the data received identified two areas in need of traffic calming measures. The first location is heading towards the village from Rt. 7 on Clayton Hall Rd. The second location is on Snickersville Tnpk. between Epling Landscaping and the post office. The average speed in both areas was eight miles over the speed limit. Peter Weeks suggested a third area of concern is the shared roadway in front of the Montessori School, the Bluemont Community Center and the United Methodist Church. VDOT agreed with this recommendation and all three areas will be included in their plan. Clayton Hall Rd. will receive a “transverse paving marker” or series of three raised strips indicating slowed speed. This will only be on one side of the road. The two areas on Snickersville Tnpk. will both receive “speed tables” orraised plateaus with a suggested speed to safely cross. The speed tables will cover both sides of the road. VDOT will pay for, install and maintain all three areas. One concern regarding the speed tables is their appearance. We are pushing for premium materials so that construction is done in a way that is reflective of our historic village. VDOT will not pay for this, but the county will, and Tony Buffington’s office has been very supportive. We are hoping the BOS will approve VDOT’s plan, as well as premium materials, at their October meeting. Before this can happen, a majority of residents affected by these changes must be found in agreement. The Snyders have offered to host residents on Clayton Hall Rd. for a presentation by Peter and subsequent signatures yea or nay. We are looking for a volunteer to do the same on Snickersville Tnpk. Once this is completed, the BCA will notify Buffington’s office of the outcome. The deadline for submission is September 9, 2022.
  • Montessori Lake Store Rental – The Montessori School will be leasing the main room on the second floor of the Lake Store for the 2022/2023 school year. The area will be used as additional classroom space for the school.

New Business:

Jammin’ on the Porch – The final session of the concert series will be held on August 26, 2022, 6:30 – 8:00 PM @ the Bluemont Community Center. Free ice cream will be served!


Adjournment: 8:11 PM

Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 7, 2022 @ 7:00 PM


Notes by: Lisa Seeberger















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