Meeting Minutes for Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Bluemont Citizens Association
Meeting Minutes for Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Meeting Minutes PDF

Bluemont Citizens Association Meeting Minutes March 1, 2023

E.E. Lake Store – Second Floor


In Attendance: (13) Peter Weeks, John Sullivan, Dave Ewald, Tom & Marilyn Rust, Gail Kelly, Bill Bogard, Rachel Wetherill, Lauren Stevens, Patrick Sullivan, Brian Magurn, Michele Condon, Lisa Seeberger

Meeting called to order: 7:10 PM, Peter Weeks – presiding


President’s Remarks:

The first week in April, a county rep will be speaking at the community center to explain Bluemont’s historic district and the benefits of owning a historic property. This will also serve as an intro to our Planning Committee, whose members are working with the county on Bluemont’s Small Area Plan and what our residents want to preserve. This process will go well into 2024, with many public meetings and opportunities for feedback.

Treasurer’s Report:

The first week in April, a county rep will be speaking at the community center to explain Bluemont’s historic district and the benefits of owning a historic property. This will also serve as an intro to our Planning Committee, whose members are working with the county on Bluemont’s Small Area Plan and what our residents want to preserve. This process will go well into 2024, with many public meetings and opportunities for feedback.

Standing Committees:

• Bluemont Fair 

All 49 positions on the Fair Committee have been filled. This year’s poster contest is underway and entries must be submitted by April 21 – instructions are on the website. Our theme is The Blue Ridge Mountains and Bluemont’s Pastoral Views.

• Bluemont Heritage 

The museum committee recently met to discuss our upcoming exhibit – Quilting: The Fabric of Country Life. Peter has received artifacts from the Heritage Museum and quilts will be provided by the Waterford Quilters Guild. Another small group met to determine wording for a memorial plaque to be placed on the historic Scipio home – located at the corner of Snickersville Tnpk. and Foggy Bottom Rd. The plaque will honor Beatrice Scipio, who taught at the Bluemont “Colored” School for many years. Peter and Lisa have been working on an application package for Bluemont to become a designated Appalachian Trail Community. Dave was able to secure the domain for Susan Faulkner’s website and we now own and, although we do not yet have access to all the files.

Community Organizations/Events:

• Neighbors Helping Neighbors 

The program has been somewhat sporadic over the years, and Lauren is working to create an organized system. We need to track donations and review our current recipients to see if changes should be made, as well as ensure our efforts are impacting Bluemont and its residents. We should also consider creating a yearly budget and join hands with other local organizations in likeminded areas.

• Community Center/Parks & Recs 

The 2023 Shamrock 5K/10K will be held on March 18. As a sponsor, Bluemont receives three free race registrations, a min. of two Facebook blasts, our logo on the race website and commemorative shirt, and all race packets will contain something related to Bluemont. Volunteers are still needed.

• Snickersville Turnpike Association

Signs designating the Tnpk. is on the National Register of Historic Places are in the works. There will also be assoc. t-shirts coming out.

Old Business:

  • Bluemont Planning Committee – The committee will be working on raising community awareness of the fundamental pieces that are part of the Small Area Plan. Next month, Loudoun’s Heidi Siebentritt will give a presentation on historic districts. This will be the first of many public forums.

New Business:

  • Arbor Day Celebration – April 28, with a rep from the State Dept. of Forestry – will have larger trees this year and a greater number to be handed out
  • Farmers Market – Open Sundays starting in April, 11:00 AM – closing
  • Spring Fling Location Vote – Sunday, May 21, 12:30 – 2:30 PM … This event has traditionally been held at Hogan’s Field with live music, free food, beer and wine. As the county is no longer providing tents/tables/chairs for private events, we will need to rent these items to stay at this location. We could hold the event at the community center with county support, however no alcohol would be allowed. After much discussion, Peter motioned for the event to remain at Hogan’s Field. John Sullivan seconded his motion and the majority was in favor.

*This past Friday, Peter acted on behalf of the museum and successfully bid on several historical items at Henry Plaster’s auction. All items will be integrated into the museum archives and listed on the Bluemont Heritage website.


Adjournment: 8:23 PM

Next Meeting: Wednesday, April 5, 2023 @ 7:00 PM


Notes by: Lisa Seeberger


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