Meeting Minutes for Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Bluemont Citizens Association
Meeting Minutes for Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Bluemont Community Center
In Attendance: Bill Bogard, Glen Breining, John Constant, Melissa Hess, Cynthia Morris, Tom Rust, Rachel Steele, Tyler Steele, Peter Weeks, Rachel Wetherill
Meeting called to order: Peter Weeks – presiding
Documentary Film of Bluemont:
- Tyler Steele, a resident of Bluemont and a film maker, will be filming at various Bluemont events to put together a documentary film about a year in the life of the Bluemont community. He will be assisted by his wife, Rachel. More information will be coming in an email and in the next Bugle. Tyler was present, filming our meeting.
Treasurer’s Report:
- This week, we made our annual $250 contribution to the historic Astin Grove Baptist Church—considered a part of Bluemont Heritage.
- Additionally, we made contributions to the Appalachian Trail (A.T.) Association and the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club (PATC).
- The A.T. Festival will take place on June 7. Peter and Melissa attended a virtual meeting with the festival committee and we are providing support by researching vendors for t-shirts that will be sold at the festival. Melissa will also write a grant proposal.
Bluemont Fair 2025 News:
- There will be a committee-wide meeting this week to vote on whether or not to increase the fair’s admission fee.
- For greater consistency in marketing, we will be sending out a branding email to gather information and feedback.
- There are two remaining volunteer roles that need to be filled: 1) The Technology Chair and 2) An A.V. support person to run videos. We need one person to commit to being at the fair both days to run the videos over a specified period of time. Talk to Cynthia for more info.
Bluemont Heritage:
- This year is the 200th anniversary of Snickersville Academy. We are looking to tidy it up and met with contractors to look it over, determine what is needed, and develop a statement of work.
- We could use a community clean-up day.
- Access to the Snickersville Academy is VDOT right away. We approached VDOT about us taking it over and spoke with the VDOT liaison about this. The arrangement for right away was made in 1930 and the liaison will need to do further research.
Neighbors Helping Neighbors:
- The 81-year-old neighbor (that many in our community have been helping) has received assistance from the County and now has a social worker. She is also covered by Medicare and Medicaid. Over the holidays, she received a gift card from individuals and was able to purchase items she needed. She has a wish list and is hoping for a donation of a recliner—so her son will have a place to sleep.
Snickersville Turnpike Association:
- Is currently working on the website.
- Discussion continued from last meeting, regarding the construction of a new cell phone tower in Philomont.
Museum Exhibition:
- Peter attended a meeting with representatives from Fiber Arts and the Quilters’ Guild to discuss specifics for the exhibition.
- There is another meeting later this month.
- The two organizations will run the exhibit and are preparing for a late April/May opening.
Farmer’s Market News:
- We need to find a new vendor for the Farmer’s Market. We would like the Sunday market to continue, as this brings people to the museum. If you have suggestions, please talk to Peter.
Bear’s Den News:
- Guest Glen Breining, Property Manager at Bear’s Den, reported that Bear’s Den has experienced financial challenges and is looking info possibilities for fund raising. Glen will be leading this effort.
- On the front page of the Bugle is a call for volunteers to work on committee-based events going forward. All the 2025 events are listed there. We need volunteers and a follow up email will go out next week.
Next Meeting:
- April 2, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. – at Bluemont Vineyard.